1. Trill Millet Sprays 150g

Birds will love clusters of plump seeds presented as they would find them in their natural habitat.
They are suitable for use in cages and avaries each day as a supplement to normal seed. The makers of Trill® have chosen only the best Millet Sprays and presented them in their natural form. Birds really delight in picking the seeds off the stems, making them a special addition to their normal Trill diet.

- Cages, feed and water containers, perches and toy should be cleaned weekly with a mild detergent and then rinsed thoroughly. - Providing your bird with a variety of different sized and shaped perches and branches to rest on will help exercise their feet and avoid claw and joint problems. - Ensure your bird has plenty of room to exercise its wings and that movement around its cage is not restricted by too many toys.
When first placed in the cage, some birds may look at the stick apprehensively. However, leave it in the cage and it will not take long before your bird starts to enjoy it.
Hang one or two Trill Millet Sprays from the side of the cage close to the perch or within easy reach of your bird.

Frequently bought together