Australia's Happiest Pet Search

Do you have Australia’s happiest pet?

Give your pet the chance to star in their own billboard!

They will also go in the running to win a $5K voucher to spend at Swaggle.^

Enter your pet now!

Tell us how you go above and beyond to spoil your pet by uploading a video or photo, or answering in 100 words or less.
5 finalists will be selected based on creativity & go to a public vote on the @swaggle_pets Instagram on October 22.

Happiest Pet Competition T&Cs


  1. The competition is a game of skill, chance does not form part of selecting the winner.
  2. The material used to market and promote the competition forms part of the competition terms. If there is an inconsistency between the material used to market and promote the competition and the competition terms, the competition terms prevail

Eligibility to enter

3. During the competition period, anyone may enter the competition, provided that they are:
(a) over 18 years of age;
(b) a resident of Australia; and
(c) not an employee or immediate family member of the promoter or an agent of the promoter who is connected with the competition.


4. By entering the competition, entrants accept the competition terms.

5. To enter, during the competition period entrants must:
(a) Visit the ‘Happiest Pet Search’ competition page –
(b) Enter their name, pet’s name, email address, city and ability to attend the billboard photoshoot
(c) Complete the entry form and show us the most outrageous ways you make your pet happy
(d) All photos and videos must be less than 100MB, for videos this is less than 90 seconds

6. One entry per person.

7. By entering, you agree to allow Swaggle to reshare and repurpose your content on our social media channels.

8. The promoter may deem as invalid any entry which:
(a) is illegible, incomprehensible, offensive or incomplete; or
(b) includes objectionable, profane, insulting, inflammatory or defamatory material
(c) violates our social media policy or any law or code.

9. The promoter may disqualify any entrant who:
(a) enters the competition without being eligible;
(b) tampers with the entry process;
(c) submits an entry that is not in accordance with the competition terms; or
(d) in entering the competition, engages in conduct which is fraudulent, misleading, deceptive or damaging to the goodwill or reputation of the competition or the promoter.

10. Failure by the promoter to exercise its rights under paragraph 8 or paragraph 9 does not constitute a waiver of the promoter’s rights under paragraph 8 or paragraph 9.

11. If the entrant’s contact details change, the entrant must notify the promoter.

Selecting winners

12. The promoter will select a shortlist of 5 finalists from the pool of valid entrants at the selection time on the selection date at the selection address.

13. The promoter will select the winner on the basis of most creative and the promoter’s selection is final and binding, subject to the promoter’s rights under paragraph 7 or paragraph 8.

14. Once the final 5 winners are shortlisted, their entries will be shared on Swaggle’s Instagram account 22.10.24 – 23.10.24 - and put to a public vote

15. The vote will close 3 pm 23.10.24, the shortlisted winner with the most votes will win the major prize

16. The promoter will notify the winner within 2 days after the selection date.

17. The winner and their pet will be required for the billboard photoshoot in their closest capital city between Fri 25.10 – Wed 30.10

Awarding prizes

18. The promoter may request that the winner provide proof of identity, proof of age and proof of residency to the promoter’s reasonable satisfaction before awarding the prize. If the winner does not provide proof of identity, proof of age or proof or residency to the promoter’s reasonable satisfaction within 1 week after being selected as a winner, the promoter may forfeit the prize.

19. The winner must accept the prize within 1 week after being selected as the winner. If the winner does not accept the prize within 1 week after being selected as the winner, the promoter may forfeit the prize.

20. In consideration of the promoter awarding the prize to the winner, the winner:
(a) consents to the promoter using his or her name, likeness, image, voice and entry in any marketing and promotion of the competition, the promoter or the promoter’s business;
(b) acknowledges that the entry is the property of the promoter;
(c) agrees to use the prize in accordance with the supplier’s specified requirements; and
(d) agrees that the prize is not transferable or exchangeable and cannot be taken as cash.

21. If the prize is unavailable, the promoter may substitute the prize with a substitute prize, provided that the substitute prize is of the same or similar value or specification as the prize.

Force majeure

22. If there is a force majeure event which prevents or materially and adversely affects the promoter’s ability to market, promote and run the competition in accordance with the competition terms, the promoter may cancel, terminate, modify, suspend or postpone the competition.


23. The promoter is not liable for any loss, expense, damage or liability suffered or incurred by entrants and winners in connection with the competition, including:
(a) any late, lost, altered, damaged or misdirected entries or prize acceptance, including delays due to technical disruptions or network congestion;
(b) any incorrect or inaccurate information caused by equipment or programming associated with or utilised in the competition;
(c) any technical error, including any omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission or communications line, telephone, mobile or satellite network failure; and
(d) any theft, destruction, unauthorised access to or alteration of entries; and
(e) any use of the prize or any tax liability incurred by the winner as a result of accepting the prize.

24. Nothing under paragraph 26 is intended to limit entrants’ or winners’ rights under the Australian Consumer Law 2010.

25. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook/Instagram and Facebook/Instagram is not liable for any loss, expense, damage or liability suffered or incurred by entrants and winners in connection with the competition, including anything detailed in Section 23.

Personal information

26. The Promoter collects personal information about entrants in order to run the competition, communicate with you as the Entrant to this Competition, award prizes and comply with the permits. The Promoter uses and manages entrants’ personal information in accordance with its Swaggle privacy policy. We may also share your personal information with third parties who support us in our marketing or promotional activities. Swaggle will be unable to consider your entry into this Competition if you do not provide this information. . Swaggle will not disclose this information provided by you unless required or authorised by law or in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Please contact Customer Care on for any privacy related queries. By entering the competition, each entrant consents, without royalty or any fees, to the promoter using their personal information for future marketing and promotional purposes.


27. In the competition terms, the following words have the following meanings:

Competition: The search for Australia’s happiest pet

Competition period: From 7 am AEST 01.10.2024 to 11:59pm AEDT 20.10.2024

Force majeure event: an event which is beyond the control of the promoter, including:
(a) vandalism, power failures, tempests, natural disasters, acts of God, civil unrest, strike, war or terrorism; and
(b) An infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, technical failures or any causes beyond the control of the Promoter, which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness or integrity or proper conduct of this promotion

Immediate family member: spouse, ex-spouse, de-facto spouse, child, step-child, parent, step-parent, grand-parent, step-grandparent, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister or first cousin


  • 1 x major prize = Pet included on a Swaggle billboard + $5K Swaggle product voucher
  • 4 x minor prizes = 4 x Swaggle vouchers valued at $500 each.
  • Total prize pool valued at $7K

Promoter: CGBV1 trading as Swaggle, ABN 95 664 431 485, 11 Wilson St, South Yarra, 3141

Selection time and dates

  • Finalists selected – 3 pm 21.10.2024
  • Winner chosen based on votes – 3 pm 23.10.2024
  • Winner announced – 24.10.2024

Selection address: 11 Wilson St, South Yarra, 3141
